My Non-Negotiables When it Comes to Hormone Health

My daily non-negotiables that keep me grounded, my hormones balanced and free from problems related to my cycle.

#1. Nourish my body

I eat real, whole foods. Period. I pack as much nutrient dense food into my meals as I possibly can. Protein, fat and fiber at every single meal and snack. Combining protein, fat, and fibre also ensures a healthy, stable, blood sugar.

#2. Hydration

I drink, on average, 4L of liquid daily. I start off with fresh squeezed lemon juice in 24 oz water followed by 24 oz water, then move into a variety of herbal teas. When I finish my teas, I drink water filtered as well as the occasional kombucha for gut health.

#3. Daily physical movement

No, I don’t have a gym membership, nor do I subscribe to one particular philosophy on “exercise”. I move my body according to the phase of my cycle and I do my best to listen to my body. Sometimes that’s more intense workouts (mainly during the second half of my follicular phase and the first half of my luteal phase) and sometimes is much more laid back (like gentle yoga or walking) especially around my late luteal phase and during my period.

#4. Sleep!

I make sleep a priority! This was a long time coming and sometimes still a work in progress… but for hormone balance to occur, we need sufficient sleep! And no, going to be at midnight and waking up at 8am DOESN’T count. I’m often in bed by 9:00 or earlier, reading for a little while before lights out. My goal is to be asleep by 9:30pm.

#5. Strategic supplements

My regular go-to’s are magnesium and an adrenal support (which I switch up regularly). From there, it depends on what I’m specifically working towards at any given time that drives my supplement choices. Stress? B vitamins. Colds? Vitamin C. Winter? Vitamin D.

Notice that I didn’t list supplements first? That’s because the answers to hormonal imbalance and period problems don’t come from the bottom of a bottle

For sure there are other pillars that are important for hormonal balance and freedom from problematic periods.

These are my absolute non-negotiables and the areas that move the needle forward the fastest.

What area do you need to work on?


Your Body on Hormonal Birth Control